livable$45118$ - translation to ελληνικό
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livable$45118$ - translation to ελληνικό

The World's Most Livable Cities; The Economist's Worlds Most Livable Cities; Livability ranking; World's Most Livable Cities; List of cities by quality of living; Livable cities; Most livable city; Most liveable city; World's most livable cities; Most liveable cities; Cities by quality of living; World's most liveable cities; Most liveable cities in the world; Most livable cities in the world; Livable city; Most livable cities
  • [[Wellington]], like Melbourne, has also been ranked as the most liveable city by Deutsche Bank twice in a row, and also has the least pollution of any ranked city.

adj. υποφερτός, βιώσιμος, κατοικισιμός


(US also livable)
¦ adjective worth living.
?fit to live in.
?(liveable with) informal easy to live with.
liveability noun


City quality of life indices

City quality of life indices are lists of cities that are ranked according to a defined measure of living conditions. In addition to considering the provision of clean water, clean air, adequate food and shelter, many indexes also measure more subjective elements including a city's capacity to generate a sense of community and offer hospitable settings for all, especially young people, to develop social skills, a sense of autonomy and identity.

Regions with cities commonly ranked in the top 50 include the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Three examples of such surveys are Monocle's "Quality of Life Survey", the Economist Intelligence Unit's "Global Liveability Ranking", and "Mercer Quality of Living Survey". Numbeo has the largest statistics and survey data based on cities and countries. Deutsche Bank's Liveability Survey is another ranking of cities by quality of life.